The Secrets to Working from Home During – and After – COVID-19

According to the global analytics firm Gallup, the percentage of full-time employees working from home due to COVID-19 closures jumped from 33 percent to 61 percent throughout the second half of March alone. As business owners help their employees transition to work remotely, they’re experiencing unprecedented challenges in terms of technology and security. We’re sharing our best technology tips to set your team up for success, as well as some bonus advice you can give your team right now to help them settle into their new teleworking lifestyle.

Keep Calm and Carry On… with Your Security Tactics
As a result of COVID-19, companies scrambled to find ways to conduct “business as usual” with remote workforces. But with a connectivity-first focus and the need to quickly increase capacity to meet customer demands, many organizations ignored risk management and security protocols. These missteps are welcome mats for cybercriminals. Since the COVID-19 pandemic broke headlines, phishing, malware, password hacking and other breaches have increased. Take the time to go over your security tactics and educate your employees. Remind employees to be cautious when opening emails and clicking on unknown links – especially when they pertain to COVID-19.

Don’t Be Left with Your Own Devices – Connectivity Matters
When your employees are on their own at home, this means they’re no longer protected by your company’s networks, firewalls and the safeguards you’ve set up to maintain privacy and security within your office space. Instead, you can give remote workers secure access with virtual private networks (VPNs). A VPN allows employees to securely tunnel into the corporate network, encrypting data for the same level of security users have when working in the office. VPNs can also be accessed by personal devices like smartphones, laptops and tablets, so you can rest assured knowing your company information is secure at all access points.

Collaborate! Remember You’re Part of a Team
Working from home is a new experience for employees – and many report feeling disconnected. You can’t simply walk over to someone’s desk to ask a quick question, and creative collaborations are difficult without face-to-face interactions. These challenges can also lead to bigger issues that negatively affect workers sense of belonging and overall work satisfaction. The best thing you can do for your team is to implement collaboration solutions. Some of these solutions include the ability to work simultaneously on a document with multiple employees as well as instant messaging apps and video conferencing tools to bring back the personal feel of collaborating with your team. The goal is to keep everyone connected and on the same page even from afar. This will also help everyone remember that they’re working towards the same purpose.

BONUS TIPS – Set Up Your Workspace for Success
Create a comfortable space: Choose a quiet – or the least disruptive – location and make it cozy with photos or décor and a comfortable chair.

Stick to a Schedule: Set your work hours to when you’re most productive and stick to them to avoid having work-life seep into your home-life.

Don’t work in your pajamas: It’s tempting to roll out of bed and start working but getting dressed sets you up for a more productive day.

Take breaks regularly: Brain-breaks can help you stay focused. Don’t forget to get up and stretch a bit every hour to loosen up.

Check-in with co-workers: Stay connected with your team, send a simple good morning message, or a quick hello to brighten someone’s day.

Overall, your people and your customers are your priority, so the technology they use, whether they’re in the office or at their home, should be secure and easy to use. We can help – contact us today to learn about our portfolio of services that can help your team feel connected, productive and secure.


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